My employee wants me to pay for a very expensive air purifier/humidifier for her office as a reasona...
We just bought another business and we are going to continue to operate it with the former employees...
We have an employee who passed out in the workplace due to a serious heart condition – can we requir...
Could taking Fido to work trigger workers’ compensation liability? The answer is yes. If you allow f...
Are there new compliance posters coming out? Yes! Various Federal, state and local labor law posters...
What are common OSHA violations that our company should consider when reviewing its safety practices...
Can our company offer comp time - or paid time off - in lieu of paying overtime wages to hourly empl...
What does the official end of the national health emergency mean to employers? The Biden Administrat...
I heard that my employee can now disparage the company - is that really true? Yes - to a certain ext...