In the intricate dance of employment regulations, the harmony between federal, state, and local sick...
In most states, a break that is more than 20 minutes does not need to be paid – UNLESS the employee ...
Yes, if the break is less than 20 minutes. If the break is more than 20 minutes, the employee does n...
Based on the EEOC's recent lawsuits on behalf of transgender individuals, two principles are clear. ...
Illinois recently jumped on the bandwagon of states and localities that require pay transparency - i...
Two appellate courts have answered this question in the affirmative - at least for teachers. In both...
The answer has changed over the years - depending on which political party is in power. Recently, th...
I want to know how this happened and who reported us!!! Unfortunately, you will not be able to find ...
The EEOC receives and investigates roughly 80,000 thousand complaints of discrimination every year. ...